Weekend Building Blocks: The Illinois Model's Most Read of 2019

There's no value in collecting blocks unless you're connecting them to build something awesome!
This special year-end Weekend Building Blocks focuses on 2019's most viewed blog posts from this The Illinois Model website. Of the forty (40) posts that I wrote and published in the past year, here are the most visited:
  1. (How) Can Cynefin Help the Police Criminal Intelligence Community?
  2. Teams Versus Groups
  3. Presentation Hack: Death by Bikablo
  4. Classically-Trained Firearms Instructors & 21st Century Learning Principles
  5. Hot Wash Debrief: OODA + Cynefin 
I continue to be amazed at which posts are flat duds...and which get wide sharing, commentary, and interaction. My predictions are wildly off. 

I suspected the #5 piece on the OODA + Cynefin workshop might be the top post; it wasn't. I would NOT have guessed that any of the top four (4) would be among the top five (5). 

Those above are statistics limited to posts that I wrote in 2019. What was read most in 2019? It was actually a post from April 2018:
THANK YOU to all of you who read, subscribe, and share these posts. As I've said a dozen times, The Illinois Model very much remains a hobby business. These posts are hastily written from the comfort of living room couches or messiness of dining room tables. Before my kids wake. Or after my wife goes to bed. 

I continue to be amazed at the interest you give to this website and my LinkedIn and Twitter social media accounts. I appreciate you all. 

Best wishes in 2020 to you and your families! 



Lou Hayes, Jr. is a police investigations & criminal intelligence unit supervisor in suburban Chicago. He studies human performance & decision-making, creativity, emotional intelligence, and adaptability. Follow him on Twitter at @LouHayesJr or on LinkedInHe also maintains a LinkedIn page for The Illinois Model.


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