Weekend Building Blocks - 14 JUL 2017

There's no value in collecting blocks unless you're connecting them to build something awesome!
Fake science. Police & social media. Decision games. Automated work. Increased memory. Here are five pieces that I found valuable this week:
  1. Power Poseur: The lure of lucrative pseudoscience and the crisis of untrustworthiness of psychology. James Coyne describes a trend where junk science is used or exaggerated to sell products. The brunt of his article is aimed at Amy Cuddy's research on power posing and the effects on testosterone and cortisol levels. Coyne's piece is a skeptical view into research, evidence-based, and marketing fields. 
  2. Chris Hsiung - WINx Chicago 2017. In this 18-minute TED-style talk, police Captain Chris Hsiung of Mountain View CA Police Dept discusses government use of social media. In the heart of Silicon Valley, MVPD is a pioneer in their use of social media to further strengthen their relationship with the community. Having met Chris in Chicago a few years back, he's truly a leader and expert in public and media relations.
  3. Make Your Own Decision-Forcing Case. The Case Method Club pushes for case studies in the learning environment, specifically in the US Marine Corps. Bruce Gudmundsson discusses the advantages and obstacles of creating your own cases or tactical decision games. He includes a short video by Urs Muller on why Muller prefers using his own cases, rather than those developed by others.
  4. A programmer automated their data-entry job. Now the question is whether to tell their employer. In this Quartz article, Keith Collins highlights a case where a worker designed a computer program to basically do their job for them. It brings up not only an ethical dilemma but also some insight into what bosses are looking for in their workforces. There is no doubt - I know people who make their job harder just to make it look like they're working harder!!
  5. How to Improve Memory Retention in Online Training. Christopher Pappas is an e-learning analyst and designer. He offers nine tricks to build into e-learning modules or programs to enhance growth and learning in the participants. I have recently been designing e-learning for police officers and found this article to give me fresh ideas...and re-enforce some other practices. If you're looking into blended learning options, this is a short and practical piece! 
I also wrote a blog post this week:
  • Storytelling, Imagery, & Design Principles...For Academics. Why is it that academics and researchers tend to be really bad presenters? (I know it's not just me who thinks this!) My hypothesis: they know their studies in such detail, they cannot simplify the data into meaningful stories or images to put their discoveries into practice. Even if you're not an "academic," I hope you find value in these presentation design tricks.
I hope you're enjoying your summer!! I'd really appreciate your efforts in sharing this list...and my blog website in general!!! Thanks,
    Lou Hayes, Jr.
    thinking & adapting like a Tactical Philosopher


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