"A Year of Listening" Podcast | Episode 01 | Police Reform with Lou Hayes

When friend Colleen Powell emailed me out of the blue to ask if I'd be a guest on her new podcast, I jumped at the idea. Not because Colleen and I share our view of the world; she and I tend to disagree on much. But rather, I accepted the invitation because I believed in her mission for the A Year in Listening podcast:
I believe there is a middle place where even the most opposing beliefs can find common ground.  A Year of Listening Podcast is designed to reclaim the lost art of civil, nuanced and compassionate conversation about a variety of polarizing topics.  In short, we’re tackling all the topics your mother warned you never to discuss at cocktail parties.  The goal of this show is to help people understand the very personal experiences that often guide our beliefs in the hopes that this expands our compassion and empathy for those who believe differently than us. 
For this, I admired Colleen's vulnerability and courage.

We decided to discuss police reform (link to show notes). What are some the topics and questions we meandered through?
  • How did I get to where am I? 
  • Why is police reform important to me?
  • How is complexity science applied to law enforcement?
  • Is there a problem in policing?
  • What is "accountability?"
  • What are the standards & expectations to which police are held?
  • How might citizens better understand the process of evaluating police incidents?
  • Are we adequately preparing our officers to police an armed populace? 
  • How might implicit racial bias impact police officer decision-making?
  • What's the impact of social media in police agencies?
  • How do we go about shifting police culture?
  • What is the value of unconditional respect & emotional intelligence in police-citizen interactions? 
  • How do labels of Blue Live Matter or Black Lives Matter (& the extremists within each of those groups) affect meaningful conversation & change?
  • What's up with body worn cameras?
  • Where is "police reform" headed in the future?
  • ...and much more.
You can listen to A Year of Listening podcast here on iTunes, and elsewhere...

And if you have guest ideas (yourself included!) to discuss a topic that your "mom warned you to never discuss at cocktail parties," seek out Colleen...


Lou Hayes, Jr. is a criminal investigations & intelligence unit supervisor in a suburban Chicago police department. With a passion for training, he studies human performance & decision-making, creativity, emotional intelligence, and adaptability. Follow Lou on Twitter at @LouHayesJr or on LinkedInHe also maintains a LinkedIn page for The Illinois Model.


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