Weekend Building Blocks - 19 MAY 2017
There's no value in collecting blocks unless you're connecting them to build something awesome!Here's what I've picked up this week:
- Delegation: The Art of Letting Go (Properly). Leadership consultant John Grinnell has another great piece, this time on delegation. This is particularly timely for me, as I'm elbows-deep in a blended learning project at work. The workload is rather significant and diverse, pulling me into an uncomfortable area of delegating out to members of different teams.
- How Leaders Can Make Innovation Everyone's Day Job. Lisa Kay Solomon discusses innovation as having components of experimentation, exploration, creativity, growth, and uncertainty. She ties in a lot of theory and ideas that I've been speaking and writing about, but she focuses them on organizational innovation. How can we nurture a culture of innovation in our teams?
- 3 Key Criteria of Disruptive Innovation. I stumbled upon Jorge Barba's Twitter profile a few months ago...and wish I would have discovered him earlier. His posts focus on complexity, uncertainty, and generalism. While I'm not a huge supporter of the "disruption" term, Jorge does a great job talking about it here in the realm of creativity.
- Why Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, Google, and a Harvard Expert Say Colleges and Universities Are Broken. You might know I'm a college dropout. (My mom reminds me at least monthly!) As a fan of all things Godin and Gladwell, I read and listen to much of what they publish..and what others post about them. Are there better ways to teach leadership & creation than in the "compliance" model of university study? Read what Joshua Spodek says here.
- Lessons from General McCrystal: Responsibility of a Leader. In this post, COL Howie Cohen (ret) summarizes his experiences working with and for General Stanley McChrystal with lessons on culture, leadership, encouraging risk. If you haven't read the book Team of Teams, I highly recommend you do so!
What am I up to?
- Closed-Minded: Not All Training Is Good Training. In my recent blog post, I address a fallacy that "all training is good training." I've met lots of people over the years in policing who say they'll go to "any" training. I disagree. There is such a thing as bad training -- but that's a subjective judgement, interpretation, or opinion. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.
- A few police students asked me to design a training course on blended learning. They realize that the blended philosophy is the future of workplace training. Most of them understand the why; now they're looking for ideas on how to implement it within their agencies. The most effective way to provide this training...is through the blended format itself! Practice what you preach, right? I've added this project to the stack.
Until next week, keep connecting the dots!
Lou Hayes, Jr.thinking & adapting like a Tactical Philosopher
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